Anishinaabe Drum Healing

“You just have to realise it’s not about you. Just do your part, just hold that space and let the Spirits work and everything will happen where it needs to”

Songide Makwa (Strong Hearted Bear), aka Dan Hull, is an Anishinaabe spiritual advisor, mentor for youth at risk, sharer of traditional teachings, and ceremonial intercessor.

The teachings Songide Makwa brings forward often centre on forgiveness. He has been in a wheelchair for 28 years as a result of multiple gunshot wounds that left him paralysed.

“I was confined to the wheelchair for the first several years because of my inability to forgive my perpetrator.

However, by accepting my part in the whole scheme of things, and by relinquishing the control that anger and vengeful thoughts had over my ability to heal and move forward”

To learn more about how you can participate in this and other ceremonies, visit Songide Makwa’s website at

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